Emergency Essentials Kit

Preparedness in Harris County is not just for Hurricane Season.

November 24, 2020
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Emergency Essentials Kit

Preparedness in Harris County is not just for Hurricane Season.

November 24, 2020

Avoid panic buying by stocking up on essential items over the entire year. It is safer, more efficient and less expensive than waiting until disaster strikes.

Download the Emergency Essentials Kit included in this article and take it with you to the store - available in English & Spanish.

Additional resources available at https://www.readyharris.org/#get-prepared to make sure you are ready.

ReadyHarris Accessible Alerts

Did you know? Harris County has ReadyHarris Accessible Alerts (RHAA) for residents who are deaf, blind, hard of hearing, have low vision or low literacy. 

This free, opt-in program sends emergency alert messages in American Sign Language (ASL), and voice and text in English and Spanish. These emergency alerts are compatible with internet and video capable devices such as computers, cell phones, smart phones, tablet computers, and wireless Braille readers. 

Sign up for ReadyHarris Accessible Alerts TODAY by visiting www.hct.ahasalerts.com and click on “Sign Up.” You can also sign up by texting READY to (281) 609-9093.

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