Do you have a Slasher Job?

Alexander Jewish Family Service Career and Employment Center dives into what having a slasher job looks like and how this idea could benefit you!

July 23, 2023
Bartender with shaker making cocktail

Do you have a Slasher Job?

Alexander Jewish Family Service Career and Employment Center dives into what having a slasher job looks like and how this idea could benefit you!

July 23, 2023

Do you have a Slasher Job?

By Mandy Thibodeaux, Career Services Advisor, Alexander JFS

The first idea that may pop up in your mind is “what is a slasher job”? I get it, that was my first reaction when I first heard this term. But believe it or not, this idea has been around for decades in other terms like, side job, freelancer, side hustle, or weekend job. For example, Actors/Bartenders or Actors/ Servers.  Does this idea sound familiar now?

Let’s dive into what having a slasher job looks like and how this idea could benefit you! The definition of a slasher “refers to people who take on multiple careers or jobs instead of staying in one single position”. The idea originated from the slash sign ‘/’ to describe a job title of someone who has multiple roles or who has one main job and one or two side jobs. For Example, someone who is a journalist/web editor/PR. The idea of this concept was first coined by Marci Alboher, author of One Person/Multiple Careers  and The Encore Career Handbook in 2007.

We are all multifaceted and have more to offer or more that we would like to explore, than just our current career. For example, I am a Marketer/Career Advisor/Writer/Speaker. My main career is a Career Advisor, in this position, I do get to dabble a bit into my other passions like marketing, writing and public speaking. All these skills and passions are very relevant to my current career.  I could also break out and do private career consulting, resume or college essay writing, public speaking engagements as slashers jobs in addition to my current position.

Due to time constraints of current careers and our other responsibilities, it can be easier to transition into a slasher career that aligns with your current job or skill set. For example, Teacher/ Author/ Speaker.  If you do have the time you can break into a career path that is completely opposite to what you currently do, for example, Accountant/Painter/Writer or Lawyer/Chef.  Find a slasher career that fits your financial, time and future goals.

The burning question in your mind, “why should I pursue a slasher career/job”? Great question! In today’s economy, job security seems to be a term of the past and having multiple incomes coming in is now a must! Most slasher jobs are deigned to be fully remote, and on your own time. This allows for you to have additional income in case you are laid off your main or current position.  This also gives you the financial freedom to accomplish life goals such as, going back to school, paying off debt, extra money to go on vacations, using that money to save for a downpayment on a car or house; the possibilities are endless! According to Alboher, “having a slasher job or a combo of “gigs “is a great way to make a transition to a meaningful encore career over time”.

Food for thought, according to NBC News, “In an increasingly virtual work world, an estimated one-third of U.S. workers, more than 42 million men and women, no longer report to traditional 9-to-5 jobs. Instead, they belong to a growing freelance segment of the labor force, an often-skilled class of career jugglers and independents who create mosaic incomes from contract gigs, projects, part-time jobs, temp work, moonlighting and consulting. This freelance nation fills the gaps that corporate America no longer wishes to cover with full-time salaried employees”.

Whether you are job transitioning or love your job and need additional income; Alexander JFS can help you find the right career path that will fit your passions, financial ambitions, and future goals! Always remember that just like life, your career path is a journey and it will take time to fully explore and discover all the possibilities; but will be worth it in the end! Success is patiently trusting the process.

Check out all of the services the Alexander JFS Employment and Career Center offers HERE.



Murray, Kathleen. A Slasher Career- the New Trend in Jobs.

Tanya. “Slash Career Is Going Mainstream: Why?” Slasher Career, 25 July 2021,

“Freelancer Growth Giving Rise to ‘slasher’ Careers.” NBC News, 18 Oct. 2012,

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